Thursday, May 7, 2009

Deepika Padukone miffed with Chotte Miyan 'Saif Ali Khan'

Deepika Padukone’s rising fame in Bollywood is akin to a fairy tale story. Coming straight from the modeling circuit, Deepika might be just a few flicks old but this lissome actress has taken Bollywood world by a storm.

Deepika is apparently peeved by her co-actor and producer Saif Ali Khan, who has been mentioning in his interviews wishing his ladylove to be a part of ‘Love Aaj Kal’. However, with ‘Chote Nawab’ openly professing his love for Kareena, Deepika seems to be upset.

However, the doe-eyed beauty is putting up a brave front. She is not ready to comment on the issue.

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