Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gracy Singh to perform Tagore's Shyama

Immediately after her debut film Lagaan, Gracy Singh was touted as the next big thing of Bollywood. But things turned out otherwise. She was nowhere in the race. Gracy next release is Deshdrohi but the film has been banned in the Maharashtra.

Gracy is now all set to enthrall the audiences with Rabindranath Tagore's famous dance ballet 'Shyama' in Kolkata, on November 16. An excited Gracy said that 'Shyama' is challenging but at the same time, it is extremely exciting as there is so much depth in it.

'Shyama', basically is a ballet that is a soulful narration of a court dancer (Shyama) falling in love with a foreign merchant (Bajrasen). Since the entire ballet will be presented in the dance form of Bharatnatyam, it only works immensely in favour of the good-looking actress, as she is a trained Bharatnatyam dancer herself.

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