Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saif-Kareena soon to tie the Marriage Knot

Though many times, Kareena and Saif’s marriage news circulated in air, Chotte Nawab at last spill the beams of all those who want to know when Bollywood’s most desirable couple will tie the knot.

The breaking news is that Saif declared that he is going to get married to his sweetheart very soon. "This relationship is 'IT' for me. Today I feel very settled and very happy. I'm now looking forward to settling down with Kareena. Our marriage will happen very shortly as soon as we both have a little less work on hand ." he said.

The duo has been pending their marriage for long due to overwork but now they are destined to get married shortly. So get ready to witness another celebrity couple wedding any time now.

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