Sunday, December 7, 2008

Healthcare reforms in US

President Barack Obama's objective is noble and notable. Social health care reforms being his top propaganda, especially for children and elderly who need proper attention.

More and more affordable insurance policy could be one way to achieve that but it only applies to a certain group of people.

Another prominent way to ensure healthcare reforms will be to establish federal funding to pay for healthcare costs.

Third way could be by pulling the troops come home there will be a huge amount of money saved just in that and directing those funds into health care.

President elect Obama can take another step and that is to have a percentage of all the health insurance services payed to finance the health care public service.

I believe that the President Elect Obama is on the right track and this healthcare reform can’t be realized dramatically. Its only possible through the cooperation of the government and the citizens.

There is a very good reading on this issue at

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