Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Jeejuh Production- A treat for Music Lovers

There is something good for music lovers. Here comes Jeejuh Production. It is a music junction where one can find the latest beats composed by Mike Lightener and Elliot Waite.

These instrumentals come in a gold pack which costs approximately $19.95 and in platinum pack which is priced at $99.95. The collection in the gold pack is in the MP3 format and those in the platinum pack are in the high quality WAV format which is been professionally mixed and stemmed out.

The instrumental are of the highest quality and the track vary from being a fast instrumental with about 110 beats per seconds to being a slow track of 60 beats per seconds. The average length of a track lies between 3minutes 30 seconds to 5 minutes 30 seconds. The tracks are been updated on a daily basis. One can also give voice to the beats and create a composition on his own.

Those who want to buy beats can do so by using their credit cards, debit cards, echecks and paypal.

So, for all music lovers here is a great collection waiting to explore at Jeejuh production

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