Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Asin - The next Bombshell of Bollywood

The race for the top slot among the heroines seems to be hotting. A few monthes ago, seemed to Katrina Kaif was way ahead of others. But after Fashion and Dostana happened and Priyanka Chopra came back in reckoning.

And now with the release of Ghajini around the corner, Asin, seems to be tipped to be the next big thing that has happened to Hindi cinema. Even before the release of Ghajini, the actress has already been signed on by Vipul Shah for his London Dreams where she is paired opposite Salman Khan and Ajay Devgan.

It's says quite a lot for the actress, who has already made waves without a single release whatsoever. She has already started acting like a B town heroine she is believed to have sat through the entire shooting of a song which was being picturised on Ghajini's second heroine, Jiah Khan.

But reports of her having endeared herself to all her co stars, the actress seems set to go places. She has a lot of competition on her hands right now. It's just a matter of a few days before Asin's fate will actually be decided. Once Ghajini hits the theatres, all speculations will be dispelled and facts will be revealed.

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