Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dhoni pairs up with John Abhraham for Hook Ya Crook

Hook Ya Crook is an Indian version of the 1981 hit "Escape to Victory". Escape to Victory focussed on a football match and featured the football legend Pele. The inimitable David Dhawan is directing the movie, titled Hook Ya Crook starring John Abraham and none other than Indian Cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

Hook Ya Crook revolves around Cricket. ‘It features a big cricket match as the climax. Dhoni is playing a leading role in the film.

UTV, who had earlier made Goal, want Hook Ya Crook to be an authentic cricket film. Indian cricket captain Dhoni is being brought on board to share the field and cinema space with the rest of the cast and also to help his teammates give a believable spin to the game.

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