Sunday, January 4, 2009

Amul takes advantage of Aamir's Ghajini

One may remember that 2008 happened to be one of the 'impactful' years for Bollywood. It saw the transformation of the chocolate hero Aamir into a muscular 'dude with an attitude' in the smash hit film Ghajini.

It is needless to say that the Ghajini mania is spreading far and wide. And for those who thought that it was only the media that worked faster than the speed of light, then, one must better think again, because there's someone who works even faster than the proverbial speed.

And that's none other than the super brilliant guys at Amul, who wasted no time in bringing out their latest ad campaign that has Aamir Khan's cartoon in his 8-packs with scribbling on his hands and body which read as 'I slice bread'', ' I make sandwich', while his chest reads 'Get Amul'.

It is indeed an interesting ad. But the guys at Amul should also remember that one may forget to breathe for a moment, but how can one forget Amul.

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