Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bipasa basu caught in 26/11 Mumbai Blast

Bipasha Basu was caught in the mayhem that engulfed Mumbai Nov 26. Bipasha was returning from Film City on 26/11 when she was caught in one of the areas near where the terrorists had struck. She was incomplete shock and could not believe that only ten terrorist could do such an act.

She has been extremely affected by 26/11. and has not spoken to anyone about it until now. Why?

'Bipasha was sceptical to begin with. 'I thought this movement would die down after the first few days. But now I feel it's not losing momentum. And I'm very happy about that. The media is playing a very important role in keeping the movement against terrorism alive. I must admit I thought it would be over after one Sunday. That's why I kept quiet.'

“What happened to Mumbai is a shame for the entire country. I went out socially for the first time this week. Life must go on. The important thing is not to forget the lessons that we've learnt from 26/11.” She added.

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