Saturday, January 31, 2009

Deepika is India's New Style Icon

She played a Chinese girl in Chandni Chowk To China , and though the movie didnot do well, Deepika Padukone is the latest trend caught the fancy of young girls.

Well, this fringe hair-do became a rage in 1960s when actress Sadhna sported this hair-cut. In 1980s fringes was style statement for charming actress Neelam. Stylist Malllika Bhat, who gave Deepika the tweaked Chinese look, says, “Sporting a fringe will be the coolest thing of this year as the style is back in vogue. Fringe hides your age and makes you look younger.”

This modern-chic style is getting popular amongst trendy urban class girls. But any girl should be careful while trying fringes because it can turn out to be a fashion-disaster, as it doesn’t suit every beautiful face.

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