Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jiah Khan fights for the safety of birds

After John Abraham, Rakhi Sawant and gang did their bit towards the prevention of the unethical treatment towards animals, it's now the seductress actress Jiah Khan doing her bit. The ad has Jiah Khan in wounded bird attire and next is the tagline 'Cut the Glass-Coated Manja, Not Birds' Wings".

While on one hand, the festival means lots of happiness to one and all, on the other, its really sad news for the birds because when 'manja' falls on trees and electric poles; it cuts through the wings of birds that become entangled in it. While glass coated manja might be effective at cutting an opponent's kite line, it is also deadly for thousands of pigeons, crows, owls and other birds who become entangled in it.

"Glass-coated manja is a public health hazard and causes an excruciating death for birds that get entangled in it. We're asking participants in the Makar Sankranthi contests and all kite-flying competitors to immediately stop using glass-coated manja and to conduct their sport in a way that isn't deadly to humans and wildlife." Jiah said

First Nishabd, then Ghajini and now the supersonic ad for PETA, needless to say that, Jiah girl is surely on a roll.

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