Friday, April 18, 2008

Jiya to star along side Aamir in Gajini

Young actress Jiah Khan, who after 'Nishabd' had virtually gone underground, will resurface with Aamir Khan in the Hindi remake of the Tamil film 'Gajini'.

'It's not that,' said Jiah, who was born in New York and raised in London. 'I was looking at several offers. I chose what I liked best,' Jiah told IANS.

Several names, including Priyanka Chopra and Kangana Ranaut, had been tossed around for the part of Aamir's leading lady in the second-half.

Beyond confirming her presence in 'Gajini', Jiah is afraid to say anything more for fear of being dropped from the project.

One may recall that Kangana had been considered for the part but was apparently eliminated after the news leaked out.

In this story of an amnesiac man's hunt for his fiancee's killer, inspired by Christopher Nolan's thriller 'Memento', the original Tamil film's leading lady Asin has been signed opposite Aamir Khan in the first half.

And why isn't Jiah doing any more films with her mentor Ram Gopal Varma?

'Why don't you ask him that?' she shot back. 'Maybe he doesn't have anything that suits me. We haven't fallen out or anything. We connected just two weeks ago.'

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