Monday, April 28, 2008

Padmini Kolhapure to comeback with her Daughter

Padmini Kolhapure, who entered films as a child actor and later went on to give quite a few hits, is all set for a comeback of sorts with 'Daughter' and the actress says returning to movies was a natural choice.

'I have always been associated with acting from a very young age. I took a break because I wanted to have a family of my own. Now that my son has grown up, what else could I return to but acting?' Kolhapure told in an interview.

The actress, who married producer Tutu Sharma at the peak of her career, did make a brief return to films with 'Souten' in 2006, but it didn't do too well.

Kolhapure says she chose Visu Mane's small-budget film 'Daughter' because the character really appealed to her.

'My character is ...interesting. I play a married, working woman who doesn't want to have children for the sake of her career. Upset with her decision, her father-in-law adopts a baby girl. She gradually develops motherly feelings towards the baby and then wants to start her own family,' the actress explained.

She said the story highlights the 'necessity of adopting a girl child'.

'Being a woman, I know how much cheer a girl brings to a family.'

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